Monday, August 25, 2014

Get Moving!

Thanks to those who came to last Monday night's  Get Moving! Workshop.  It was a lot of fun and Jeanette did a superb job leading us through an energizing workout. She taught us exercises to do at home as well as handed out a home workout guide to follow for the next month!  Get Moving!

EXERCISE. We all know it's good for us in a myriad of ways but truth be told, we don't always fit it into our busy lives. It's often the first thing we drop because we think we don't have time for it. We have to wake up too early to "squeeze" it in because we're just way too tired to exercise at the end of a very long day. Right?  I will tell you that I do feel so much better when I head outside for a walk in my neighborhood or hook my computer up to the tv, channel in YouTube and stream 2 or 3 videos on to my tv and computer simultaneously ( to learn how to hook up your pc to your tv or if you have an Ipad,  Iphone or Ipod Touch go to  I prefer to exercise in the morning.  It gets me going for the day and I seem more focused. I'm always glad I "forced" myself to Get Moving!

My favorites exercise regimes on YouTube of the moment are blogilates and FitnessBlender.  Cassey Ho from blogilates is a bit chatty, but sometimes I need to feel as though I'm in more of a class setting with a motivating instructor. FitnessBlender is totally different. There's virtually no talking. Instead, you're led through a series demonstrated by Kelli, while her husband cues you off camera.

What I like about both of these very different workouts is that they have a multitude of videos to choose from that aren't more than 15 min in length. I know, I know, what good is exercising for just 15 min. But, wait! I just don't do 1, I do 2 or 3 videos!  You can target the areas you want to work on too.  Want to get rid of your muffintop?  Do blogilates 5 Best Muffintop Melting Moves.  Want to tone your thighs? Do her Perfect Legs Workout/Pop Pilates.  Want to work on arms, shoulders and chest?  Do FitnessBlender Tank Top Arms workout.  Want to do some Fat Burning Cardio?  Try FitnessBlender's 37 Minute Cardio Workout at Home.  I bet after having done a few short videos a few times, you'd have the exercise down so that you could even do them while watching TV at night! The point is, I think we can all carve out time to do some exercising so that we all feel better. 

What kinds of exercising do you like to do?

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